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Damien DELVAUX |
Research projects
Belgian Federal Science Policy:
Research Programme for Earth Observation STEREO III
- RESIST - REmote Sensing and In Situ detection and Tracking of geohazards (Kivu rift region, R.D. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, 2015-2019)
Research Programme Science for Capacity Building
- GeoRisCA - Geo-risks in Central Africa (Kivu rift region, R.D. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, 2012-2016)
Action 1 programme (research projects)
- CinRift - Kinematics of rifting at a Rift-Rift-Rift triple junction (Tanzania & RDC, 2010-2011)
- TectoSediCongo - Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Congo Basin (RDC, 2008-2009)
- Rukwa - Active tectonics and sedimentation in the Rukwa basin (Tanzania, 2004-2007)
- Tectorift extension - Active tectonics and natural risks in continental rift basins (Tanzania & Siberia, 1998-1999)
- TectoRift - Active tectonics and natural risks in continental rift basins (Tanzania & Siberia, 1994-1997)
- IGS - Inheritance of Geological Structures (Tanzania & Siberia, 1989-1993)
Action 3 programme (participation to international research projects)
- Participation to the AfricaArray Initiative (Rwanda, Tanzania, RDC, 2006-2007)
Development Cooperation Projects:
- AC S1_RGL_Georisk - Capacity building in georisk observation and studies in the Great Lakes Region (Kivu rift), R.D.Congo and Burundi (2013-2017, Belgian DGCD)
- AC S1_RDC_CRGM - Capacity building for the Geological Survey of the R.D.Congo (CRGM), Kinshasa, RDC (2013-2017, Belgian DGCD)
- AC S1_RDC_Geodyn - Capacity building in Geodynamics at the University of Lubumbashi, RDC (2008-2012, Belgian DGCD)
- RESON - Rungwe Environmental Scientific Observatory Network (Tanzania, 2007-2009, French CORUS programme)
International projects:
- AfricaArray initiative (University of Witwatersrand South Africa, Penn State University USA)
- NSF project "Kinematic constraints on mantle-lithosphere interactions ", Tanzania (2007-2010, coordinated by Eric Calais from Purdue University)
- IGCP 482-489 "Evolution of the East Africa Rift" (2003-2007)
- INTAS "Present-day deformation in the Altai-Sayan, Siberia" (2000-2002)
- EC INCO/COPERNICUS project "Landslide Risk Triggered by Earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan" (1998-2000, Project coordinator)
- IGCP 400 "Geodynamics of Continental rifting" (1996-2000, Project leader)
- EC-DGXII "Rukwa" (Paleoclimatic investigations in Lake Rukwa), Tanzania (1994-1996)
- INTAS-93-134 "Continental rift tectonics and evolution of sedimentary basin" (1994-1996)
Consulting activities:
- Petroleum exploration scientific advice and field studies (RDC, Siberia)
- Environnemental impacts (Belgium)
- Project management and evaluation (European Sysmin project in Burkina Faso)